Wednesday, March 13, 2013

My Action Plan

Jamie’s Action Plan : Read, Lead, Succeed
Goal: Determine if the current Tier II intervention of LLI is effective in remediating struggling 1St grade readers.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Gather End of Year  TPRI data from K
Jamie Anderson Hushaw
May 2013

Collect data on students  attending ARI services  in 1st -3rd  grade
Jamie Anderson Hushaw
May 2013-March 2014

Students to be identified by DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) for ARI
Jamie Anderson Hushaw
1st grade teachers
September 2013
DRA kits
BOY (beginning of year) Data
Students identified by DRA will be placed in ARI to receive LLI (Leveled Literacy Intervention by Fountas and Pinnell)
Students are to attend 30 minutes lessons 5 days a week.
1st grade ARI teachers
September 2013 - April 2014
LLI (Leveled Literacy Interventions by Fountas and Pinnell) Kits
Running Records
Student Progress
MOY (middle of year) data
EOY(end of year) data

Collect EOY data

Jamie Anderson Hushaw
April 2014
LLI final levels achieved

Analyze data collected
Jamie Anderson Hushaw
May 2014

Student Progress BOY )Beginning of year)data
MOY (middle of year) data
EOY(end of year) data
Prepare summary of Action Research Plan and present data to campus
Jamie Anderson Hushaw
May 2014


  1. Jamie, your topic is certainly deserving of study. We are completely wasting our time if the tools we use for interventions are unsuccessful. Will you only be comparing the student data at the beginning, middle, and end of the year to determine effectiveness? Will any other factors effect the success/failure of LLI? (Teacher years of experience or familiarity with the LLI program) Are all students experiencing LLI at the same time of day? (Just curious.) I think every campus should have teachers to study the effectiveness of interventions. We need to find what works and stick with it.

    1. Currently all of the teachers in the grade level have been teaching for many years and the ARI time is scheduled at the same time everyday. Two of the teachers maybe retiring so I will make sure to help the new teachers become very familiar with the program. My wondering at this point is whether or not the program has been used with fidelity.

  2. Our district has Fountas and Pinnell, however I have not heard of LLI. Is this an RTI intervention program? I will be following your blog as I have a passion for early literacy. I teach kindergarten so I can relate to finding primary interventions that work.

    1. It is currently what the district has mandated for RTI for grades 1-3.

  3. Yolonda, I will also be looking at their monthly progress in LLI as well as looking at all the other students previously serviced with this intervention to see the long term effects. I am curious if the same students are continuing to be behind or are they truely making academic gains.
    Danelle, LLI is the Leveled Literacy Intervention based on Fountas and Pinnell. I have noticed that students who reach their "level" are still unable to read independently on their TPRI and are still developing in many areas... Which is puzzling to me

  4. Since I dont know much about 1st grading reading I will offer the advice my site supervisor gave me. You might consider adding titles to the responsible people you have listed, and have an approximate date for beginning and completion of each step as opposed to just what I am assuming is a completion date.

  5. Student intervention is one of the biggest things to produce change. Good luck with your plan, one issue that may come up will be the access to the data. You should make sure that your site supervisor gives written approval of your access to any needed data.

  6. Jay, Luckily my supervisor has approved the plan and allow me to gather all the data from our CIS coordinator who handles all of the testing data.
