Friday, March 22, 2013

Revised Action Plan

Jamie’s Action Plan : Read, Lead, Succeed
Goal: Determine if the current Tier II intervention of LLI is effective in remediating struggling 1St grade readers.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Gather End of Year  TPRI data from K
Intern Jamie Anderson Hushaw
May 2013
Data scores
Collect data on students  attending ARI services  in 1st -3rd  grade
Intern Jamie Anderson Hushaw
May 2013-March 2014
Data scores
Students to be identified by DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) for ARI
Intern Jamie Anderson Hushaw
1st grade teachers
August-September 2013
DRA kits
BOY (beginning of year) Data
Students identified by DRA will be placed in ARI to receive LLI (Leveled Literacy Intervention by Fountas and Pinnell)
Students are to attend 30 minutes lessons 5 days a week.
1st grade ARI teachers
September 2013 - April 2014
LLI (Leveled Literacy Interventions by Fountas and Pinnell) Kits
Running Records
Student Progress
MOY (middle of year) data
EOY(end of year) data
Monthly LLI level log
Attend First grade PLC’s
CIS Robin Lawrence
Mr. House
First grade teachers
Intern Jamie Anderson Hushaw
August 2013-May 2014
LLI logs
DRA Data
TPRI data
CSCOPE curriculum

Track progress and concerns

Collect EOY data

Intern Jamie Anderson Hushaw
April-May 2014
LLI final levels achieved
Data scores
Analyze data collected
Intern Jamie Anderson Hushaw
May 2014

Student Progress BOY )Beginning of year)data
MOY (middle of year) data
EOY(end of year) data
Prepare summary of Action Research Plan and present data to campus
Intern Jamie Anderson Hushaw
May 2014
Data collected
Present findings


  1. Dealing with first graders
    i originally thought 30 minutes would be too long, but I thought by the time you setle down with a student and review what goal you are trying to accomplish for that day you will need more time.

  2. I don't know the first thing about teaching first graders, but I like your plan. As a parent of 2nd grade twins, I did not see much from their first grade teacher in terms of real teaching for a goal. Now that they are in 2nd grade, I am seeing more a concentration on testing, as they will be STAAR testing next year. I would've like for tutoring to be emphasized for them, even if they did not fall in the area where the data does not show need. Great topic.
