Saturday, March 9, 2013

Passions that Drive Us

An effective leader uses inquiry to grow and nurture their campus.  There are nine areas that an effective leader may develop as an action research passion.  The first area is Staff development and its inquiries encourage the proper alignment and practices to meet state standards. Another passion is in the area of curriculum development.  Action research in curriculum development allows the leader to evaluate the delivery of the curriculum in comparison to best practices. The third passion a leader may wish to investigate it the development of individual teachers. This passion acknowledges that a program does not ensure success of a student but rather the importance of   teachers in providing quality instruction and how the leader can better support the teachers.  The fourth passion focuses on the individual students. Action research on individual student populations enables the leader to determine the effectiveness of the school programs in impacting success of specific student populations.  An experienced leader also values the importance in developing the passion of creating a positive school community and culture. Action research in this area enables the leader to shape the schools ability to improve student behavior and accomplishments in a trusting and truthful atmosphere.  The sixth passion an effective leader needs to cultivate is in the area of actual leadership.  As a leader it is crucial to take the time to evaluate how he/she models the way, inspire a shared vision, challenge the process, enable others to act, and encourage the heart according to Kouzes and Posner.  This passion requires the leader to reflect on themselves and how they impact others and help others. The seventh passion a leader may decide to investigate is the actual management.  A principal has to manage many areas on a day-to-day basis. Analyzing how the day is managed to gain more effective use of time is crucial to encouraging success.  A critical passion for action research is school performance.  Every year schools are help to a more strenuous accountability system.  A leader may conduct research to determine what actions need to be taken to improve their students’ success.  The final passion area a leader may wish to conduct research on is social justice. An action research in social justice investigates how to meet the needs of a ”culturally diverse groups of students, teachers, and administrators” (Smith & Lytle, 1993, p. 80).  Such research allows the leader and campus to better understand the students they work with.  Each of these passions can have a great impact on improving the success of your schools performance and climate that encourages growth.

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